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âïļ: 02-044-7519 / ðą Line ID: @osakitrading
ð§: info@kkosaki.com
ð: https://kkosaki.com
Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQCa0LzCGPI
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When superior bonding strength and exceptional durability are paramount, CHUKOH AGF-100FR tape emerges as a top contender. Specifically, this high-performance acrylic foam tape is designed for bonding and mounting applications facing challenging conditions. In other words, it excels in demanding environments where resistance to harsh elements and long-term reliability are critical. To achieve this, this double-sided tape combines a conformable acrylic foam core with a unique adhesive system, ultimately delivering consistent performance across a wide temperature range.
Exceptional Adhesion:Â First and foremost, AGF-100FR exhibits exceptional peel and shear adhesion. This ensures strong, lasting bonds even on dissimilar materials. Consequently, it eliminates the need for mechanical fasteners, leading to cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing designs.
Built to Last:Â Moreover, this tape showcases remarkable resistance to a multitude of challenges. These include weathering, UV exposure, moisture, chemicals, and extreme temperatures. As a result of this resilience, it is a perfect choice for demanding outdoor environments or applications involving harsh chemicals.
Conformability for Secure Bonds:Â Furthermore, the conformable acrylic foam core readily adapts to irregular surfaces and textures. This, in turn, ensures complete contact and a secure bond, even on curved or textured substrates. Consequently, it eliminates air gaps and stress points, further enhancing bond strength and durability.
Meeting Safety Standards:Â Significantly, AGF-100FR meets UL94 V-0 flammability standards. This makes it suitable for applications where fire safety is paramount. Therefore, this feature provides an added layer of safety, particularly in industries with strict fire regulations.
Spanning Diverse Industries:Â In addition to its safety features, this tape finds its place in a wide array of industries. These include automotive, electronics, construction, and signage. Essentially, it excels in bonding diverse materials, showcasing its versatility in tackling various bonding challenges.
Automotive Assembly:Â For instance, it's ideal for bonding exterior and interior trim, emblems, spoilers, and lightweight body panels. This contributes to improved aesthetics and reduced vehicle weight.
Electronics Manufacturing:Â Similarly, AGF-100FR securely attaches lenses, displays, touchscreens, and battery packs in electronic devices, ensuring long-term reliability.
Construction and Building:Â Likewise, this tape offers a robust solution for mounting mirrors, signs, panels, and architectural elements. It provides a strong, weather-resistant, and aesthetically pleasing alternative to mechanical fasteners.
General Industrial Applications:Â Finally, it excels in bonding and mounting various materials in demanding industrial settings. To clarify, this includes environments with vibration, temperature fluctuations, and exposure to chemicals or moisture.
In conclusion, CHUKOH AGF-100FR tape represents a highly reliable solution for demanding bonding and mounting applications. Its exceptional bonding strength, remarkable durability, and ability to withstand harsh conditions make it an ideal choice across a multitude of industries seeking high-performance adhesive solutions.
Osaki Trading (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Head Office)
Address: 2/2, 20 Mithuna 11 Alley, Lane 9, Ratchadaphisek Rd, Samsen Nok, Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand
TEL. 02-044-7519, 02-044-7520
FAX. 02-044-7523
Email: info@kkosaki.com
Copyright 2023 ÂĐ Osaki Trading (Thailand) Co., Ltd.